Shopify Theme Customization — Implementing Your Own Settings (settings_schema.json)

Karan Goyal
3 min readDec 5, 2020


These settings show up when a user clicks the Customize Theme button from online > themes section of the admin panel and are defined in the config/settings_schema.json file in the theme development files.

In this post, we will discuss how to access these settings and integrate them while developing a theme.


In order to reference the settings in the theme, you use the liquid templating language. You can access the settings info in both the logic tags {% %} and the display tags {{ }}. In either case, you would use where id is the attribute defined in the setting.

For example, if the settings looked like this:

"name" : "Colors",
"settings" : [
"type": "color",
"id": "color_borders",
"label": "Border Colors",
"default": "#e5e5e5",
"info" : "this will be the colors for borders"
"type": "color",
"id": "color_body_text",
"label": "Body Text",
"default": "#2980b9"

You would reference the Border Colors in any template like :

{{ settings.color_borders }}


Regular settings include the following types: text, textarea, image, radio, select, check. Each type allows the user to choose some information to modify the theme.

The {{ }} places the information on the page

{{ }}

The {% %} allows you to use the settings information to inform logic of the theme.

{% if settings.product_order == true %}
<p>we're ordering now!</p>
{% else %}
<p>we're not ordering :(</p>
{% endif %}


Specialized settings include the following types: color, font, collection, product, blog, page, link_list, and snippet. To reference these, it is a little more complicated than the regular settings.

Colors and Fonts

Colors and fonts are referenced the same way as mentions above

{{ settings.color_borders }}

If you save your sass file as styles.scss.liquid you can use the liquid tags right in your styles!

.link {
border: 2px solid #{'{{ settings.color_borders }}'};


For instance, if you take a look at the collection.liquid section of the cheat sheet the first thing is how to access a specific collection anywhere.

"name": "Collection",
"settings" : [
"type": "collection",
"id": "feature_collection",
"label": "Feature collection"

The setting would be referenced by:

{{ collections[settings.feature_collection] }
{{ collections[settings.feature_collection].title }}{% for product in collections[settings.feature_collection].products%}
<p>{{ product.title }} | {{ product.price }}</p>
{% endfor %}


Products are referenced similarly to collections. Again we’ll use the Liquid Cheat Sheet to see how we access products. If you take a look at the product.liquid section of the cheat sheet the first thing is how to access a specific product anywhere.


Note that the term all_products is used instead of products.

Thus to access information associated with the feature_product, for example the title and price.

{{ all_products[settings.feature_product].title }} | {{ all_products[settings.feature_product].price }}

To access the featured image of the product you must also add the size using a pipe and setting theimage_url to the size available for that photo. If small doesn’t work, maybe try original.

<img src="{{ all_products[settings.feature_product].featured_image | img_url: 'small' }}" alt="{{ all_products[settings.feature_product].title }}">

For more info you can check the original post

Click here for original post

Thanks for reading



Karan Goyal
Karan Goyal

Written by Karan Goyal

Full Stack Developer, Top Rated on Upwork, Worked on 90+ jobs in past 9 months and all jobs are rated 5 stars, coding is fun, and always looking forward to code

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