Shopify Theme Customization — Implementing Your Own Settings (settings_schema.json)
These settings show up when a user clicks the Customize Theme button from online > themes
section of the admin panel and are defined in the config/settings_schema.json
file in the theme development files.
In this post, we will discuss how to access these settings and integrate them while developing a theme.
In order to reference the settings in the theme, you use the liquid templating language. You can access the settings info in both the logic tags {% %} and the display tags {{ }}. In either case, you would use where id is the attribute defined in the setting.
For example, if the settings looked like this:
"name" : "Colors",
"settings" : [
"type": "color",
"id": "color_borders",
"label": "Border Colors",
"default": "#e5e5e5",
"info" : "this will be the colors for borders"
"type": "color",
"id": "color_body_text",
"label": "Body Text",
"default": "#2980b9"
You would reference the Border Colors in any template like :
{{ settings.color_borders }}
Regular settings include the following types: text
, textarea
, image
, radio
, select
, check
. Each type allows the user to choose some information to modify the theme.
The {{ }} places the information on the page
{{ }}
The {% %} allows you to use the settings information to inform logic of the theme.
{% if settings.product_order == true %}
<p>we're ordering now!</p>
{% else %}
<p>we're not ordering :(</p>
{% endif %}
Specialized settings include the following types: color
, font
, collection
, product
, blog
, page
, link_list
, and snippet
. To reference these, it is a little more complicated than the regular settings.
Colors and Fonts
Colors and fonts are referenced the same way as mentions above
{{ settings.color_borders }}
If you save your sass file as styles.scss.liquid you can use the liquid tags right in your styles!
.link {
border: 2px solid #{'{{ settings.color_borders }}'};
For instance, if you take a look at the collection.liquid section of the cheat sheet the first thing is how to access a specific collection anywhere.
"name": "Collection",
"settings" : [
"type": "collection",
"id": "feature_collection",
"label": "Feature collection"
The setting would be referenced by:
{{ collections[settings.feature_collection] }
{{ collections[settings.feature_collection].title }}{% for product in collections[settings.feature_collection].products%}
<p>{{ product.title }} | {{ product.price }}</p>
{% endfor %}
Products are referenced similarly to collections. Again we’ll use the Liquid Cheat Sheet to see how we access products. If you take a look at the product.liquid section of the cheat sheet the first thing is how to access a specific product anywhere.
Note that the term all_products is used instead of products.
Thus to access information associated with the feature_product, for example the title and price.
{{ all_products[settings.feature_product].title }} | {{ all_products[settings.feature_product].price }}
To access the featured image of the product you must also add the size using a pipe and setting theimage_url to the size available for that photo. If small doesn’t work, maybe try original.
<img src="{{ all_products[settings.feature_product].featured_image | img_url: 'small' }}" alt="{{ all_products[settings.feature_product].title }}">
For more info you can check the original post
Click here for original post
Thanks for reading